Tips for general maintenance and care for CP810/CP900 & CP1000 battery charger and charging kit
- Disconnect the battery charger from the power source and remove any battery modules.
- Hold the battery charger upside down and tap it gently to remove any dirt from the battery charger sockets.
- Carefully blowing on the sockets may also help remove dirt
- Wipe the battery charger sockets with a soft dry cloth.
3. For the CP800-, CP900- and CP1000 Y- Battery Charger, use a different charger socket each time you charge to wear the sockets evenly
4. Ensure you correctly attach the rechargeable battery module to the charger by rotating the battery in a clockwise direction until vertically aligned.
5. When detaching the rechargeable battery module, ensure you rotate it anticlockwise. Do NOT pull the battery upwards or outwards as this will break the battery contact points.
6. When the battery charging unit is not in use, switch it off or disconnect the power supply at the wall socket.
7. If possible, consider using a surge protector plug especially in the occurrence of regular power surges or load shedding
8. Use the Breeze Dri & Store on a regular basis as this will minimise the risk of corrosion between the battery contacts and will prolong the life of both the battery module and sound processor.
9. Battery charger LED indicator lights: